Join us on September 16th and learn how to keep your students engaged this school year. Register here: https://forms.gle/LJzNx4SEE7DWGJWF6

Need PD hours, but not looking to leave your classroom? ROE #30 is providing after school discussion groups on various topics to help meet your needs. These virtual sessions are available monthly from 3:30 - 4:30. Register for our first discussion group here: https://forms.gle/XgoiTM2v7cvZuUu39

Paraprofessional Training is almost here! Join ROE #30 on August 7th from 9:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. for information on what paraprofessionals need to know to be successful in the classroom. Register here: https://forms.gle/RrrV912Bu83ssxiS7

NEW JOB POSTING: Alternative Education Program Teacher (Anticipated) for 2024-2025. ROE 30 is seeking to expand our alternative education programming with a new classroom located in the Carbondale area. This new classroom, which will serve a maximum of 15 students, will be supported by a social worker and a full-time paraprofessional. ROE 30 is now seeking applicants for a teacher to serve in the alternative education classroom to be located in Carbondale. For more details, including how to apply, see the job posting on the IASA Job Bank at this link: https://www.illinoiseducationjobbank.org/Job-Posting/94606/FullTime-Alternative-Teacher-Anticipated/job-details

If you are a teacher leader and are interested how Instructional Coaching can help your school, join us for this session on September 12th. Register Here: https://forms.gle/SSQx2X4rq1rMvd6Z9

TODAY! Don't miss this event at Cairo Jr./Sr. High today from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. There are youth-friendly activities, food, resources, and giveaways available. You can meet ROE #30 representatives as well. We hope you come visit our table!

If any schools have not joined an SEL Cohort, this is your chance! Please register at this link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeJHOZIBRnIWYFo365P97x8D6j4oo_Prk8iXo616mVwyZ_3og/viewform

Join us for a free training on Trauma and the Brain. Becca Yates, Behavior Interventionist from Anna CCSD #37 will lead this session which focuses on social emotional learning and how the brain's power can be maximized. Register here: https://forms.gle/Fk2miYnShA6wr7U48

Interested in training for paraprofessionals? This event on August 7th covers the role of the paraprofessionals, laws, ethics, and other information needed to assist your paraprofessionals with their jobs. Register here: https://forms.gle/MftRhAqZECNkjtQ87

Join us for an Administrator Academy on July 23rd! Register here: https://forms.gle/eKfu1ofCLXkiLDAz6.

All services offered by ROE #30, including GED and fingerprinting, are now at our new location!

We have moved! ROE #30 has officially moved to a new location. Our team will be settling in this week, so please excuse our mess as we make this move.

Save the Date! ROE #30's annual institute will be held on October 11, 2024.

Come join us on May 30th for Youth Mental Health First Aid training. This training is an overview of mental health concerns you might see as an educator. Participants are given an early intervention strategy and are introduced to resources to help those who may be suffering from mental health concerns. Register here: https://forms.gle/mndigN76ZjALf2xq7

Join us this summer for an online book study on how to connect with colleagues and students through Better Conversations. Participants can attend for free, but will need to purchase the book on their own. Earn 1.5 PD Credit hours for each session you attend. Register now so you don't miss this opportunity! Registration here: https://forms.gle/SV19qeFo41Bx9zqg8

Join us as we explore the Science of Reading!

How are students impacted by today's technology? Learn ways to navigate the digital world and promote student well-being at ROE 30's Brainology Workshop presented by Holly Kelly from the Learning Technology Center. Register at www.roe30.org.

If you are interested in ISBE's Comprehensive Literacy Plan, a panel of experts will lead a discussion on this topic on April 11th. This is a virtual session and anyone attend.

Today is #SELday 2024. Remember to reflect on these Social Emotional Learning (SEL) skills: self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, relationship skills, and responsible decision making. We encourage you to showcase SEL work in your community, promote SEL to your networks, advocate for SEL with your local policymakers, and support SEL in your local schools, organizations, and community.