Student Eligibility for COPE
Students currently enrolled in grades six through twelfth, who are eligible for suspension or expulsion, or have been suspended/expelled according to the following criteria will be eligible for the COPE Safe School Program:
Suspended at least twice for a period of more than 3 days for gross misconduct.
Arrested by police and/or remanded to juvenile or criminal courts for acts related to school activities.
Eligible for disciplinary reassignment pursuant to violation of school district policies.
involved in misconduct that can be demonstrated as serious, repetitive and/or cumulative.
Eligible for expulsion due to violation of school policy.
Youth returning from juvenile correctional facilities.
Students are referred to the COPE Safe School Program by the local school district. It is the responsibility of the local school district to ensure that students meet the eligibility criteria.
Student Eligibility for SOAR
Students currently enrolled in grades six through twelfth, who meet one or more of the following criteria:
Students who have demonstrated poor academic performance for more than a semester even though the school has implemented interventions.
Students who have no history of violent or aggressive behavior; however, have exhibited behavioral issues that affect ability to successfully complete school work and achieve grade-level outcomes.
Students who would benefit from an alternative setting due to social, emotional, or medical issues or circumstances that prevent full engagement in the traditional setting.
Students who are non-compliant and/or apathetic and need unique learning support. (such as chronic truants)
Students are referred to the Project SOAR Program by the local school district. It is the responsibility of the local school district to ensure that students meet the eligibility criteria. Transportation to both programs is the responsibility of the local school district.
NOTE: The Regional Office of Education will consider and/or evaluate all referrals, but may decline to enroll some students due to space limitations or other factors.