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Informational Items
Professional Development
When: October 11, 2024
Where: Carbondale Community High School or Giant City School District
Schedule of Events
7:30 a.m. - Breakfast is served at CCHS and Giant City provided by SIU School of Education
*Only participants attending the 4E training should report to Giant City. 4E training will begin at 8:00 a.m. Everyone else should report to Carbondale Community High School.
**Extra parking will be available at the Carbondale Mall with shuttle service to CCHS.
8:00 a.m. - 4E training begins at Giant City and will continue until 11:45 a.m.
8:30 a.m. - Welcome by Regional Superintendent, Matthew Hickam in the gym at CCHS
8:45 a.m. - Keynote Speaker, Aaron Polansky
10:00 a.m. - Break
10:15 a.m. - Learning Strands Begin (see below for more information)
11:45 a.m. - Dismissal
*Due to circumstances beyond our control, the Threat Assessment Strand that was originally planned at Carbondale Community High School is cancelled.
Note: There is no need to sign up for learning strands in advance of the institute.
Learning to Play While Playing to Learn
(Presenter: Elizabeth Frisbie, MA, MSEd, I/ECMH-C)
More and more children are entering preschool and kindergarten lacking play skills. Many youngsters are unsure how to play with others while some are hesitant to use the classroom toys. During this workshop we will discuss why this is happening and then look at which skills are missing with greatest emphasis placed on what early childhood educators can do to foster those skills.
AI in the Classroom
(Presenter: Sarah Phelps, Learning Technology Center)
Artificial intelligence is here, and unlike what you’ve seen in the movies, AI isn’t coming to destroy humans – it’s coming to disrupt our classrooms. Should educators be afraid, excited, or both? Can educators embrace AI’s potential while ensuring their students still learn the value of creating original work?
Join us as we cut through the AI buzz and examine the implications of artificial intelligence in an educational setting. In particular, we’ll focus on how recently released and forthcoming AI tools could impact how students learn and create going forward, as well as how educators can stay ahead of the curve with ready-to-use AI resources.
Conflict Resolution
(Presenter: Abby Schnautz, ROE #13 SEL Coach)
This session will focus on Social Emotional Learning strategies for educators. Specifically, Abby will focus on conflict resolution and how to help students (and adults) find common ground with others.
Overview of Health Solutions
(Presenters: Jackson County Ambulance Service)
This session will cover topics that are pertinent to health emergencies which might arise within the school setting. Topics will include anaphylaxis, allergies, choking, and recommendations for school staff to help expediate the assistance of first responders.
Practical Strategies for Managing Classroom Behaviors
(Presenters: Christina Van Alstine and Morgan Politte, Anna CCSD #37)
This session will include strategies to help manage a variety of behaviors commonly found in the school setting. These tips can be used with entire classrooms, small groups, and individual students.
McKinney Vento 101
(Presenters: Sherri Schimpf, ROE #30, and Johna Schullian, ROE #21)
This session will offer an encompassing overview of the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act, detailing the process through which students become eligible for McKinney-Vento services, common indicators to identify homeless students, their educational rights, and strategies for schools to support this vulnerable population effectively. The session aims to equip participants with the knowledge and tools necessary to ensure eligible students receive the education and resources needed to thrive despite their housing instability.
It's Just P.E. - The Most Important Class for Students
(Presenter: Steven Wiseman, Rise Performance 618)
Physical Education classes are an important part of students’ lives. In this session, participants will learn how P.E. can help provide stress relief, social emotional learning, and knowledge about nutrition and lifelong fitness.
Practical Evidence-Based Mathematics Practices that You Can Implement Now
(Presenter: Erin Sagaskie, Almy Education Center)
Participants will be asked to evaluate and share their district’s challenges and needs regarding mathematics instruction and outcomes and their personal challenges and goals for classroom instruction prior to the meeting. During the session, participants will be presented with practical, evidence-based strategies that are relevant for and specific to their district, grade-levels, and needs. They will also collaborate and strategize with grade-level groups regarding the systems and resources that need to be in place for successful classroom implementation. The session will conclude with planning for the next steps, including establishing a community of practice and identifying the teachers’ wishes and needs for ongoing professional learning, resources, and on-the-ground support.
Cross-State Collaboration: Building Empathy through Creativity
(Presenter: Josh Shearer, Anna CCSD #37)
In these times of division and hyperpolarization, it is more important than ever to help students understand the lives of those in other parts of our state. Illinois has long faced an urban-rural divide, and by creating collaborative art projects, we can bridge this gap. This workshop will explore the first year of our statewide project, highlighting how collaborative art can foster empathy, understanding, and friendships among our future leaders. Participants will have the chance to join this year's initiative. Also they will learn about Art for All, an art education advocacy organization, including its support for area art educators through our monthly book club and classroom-ready curriculum resources.
Let's Chat: Gifted and Advanced Learners
(Presenter: Diana Rea, DuQuoin Unit #300)
Need ideas to build avenues of growth for all, especially the gifted and advanced learner population? In 2022, Du Quoin CUSD 300 was highlighted in a research study on promising practices across Illinois in gifted education. During this session, specific highlights and strategies for organizing gifted/advanced education in your school will be presented. Beginning with foundational knowledge and understanding of gifted students, the session will provide programming options, including enrichment and acceleration, and models for serving gifted students. Specific attention has been made to designing programming strategies without additional personnel using flexible scheduling solutions. In an era of evidence-based funding and student growth accountability, this presentation will include ideas to build your toolbox to reach and grow ALL learners.
Captain of the Ship
(Presenter: Charley Cass, Bethel Grade School)
Participants will be instructed on the definition of poverty from multiple viewpoints and the implications for our communities. Poverty is not just a measurement but an experience in stress and survival. We will then explore how mentorship, fellowship, and ownership can be pathways to pull others out of poverty and the traumas associated with it. Source material is drawn from the presenters personal experience, statistical analysis, and researchers in the field.
In accordance with 105 ILCS 5/3-12, a report of the Institute Fund receipts and disbursements for the Regional Office of Education #30 serving Alexander, Jackson, Perry, Pulaski, and Union Counties for FY23 can be found in the legal notice here.