We are excited to see the Murphysboro school district moving forward with efforts to incorporate scratch cooking and increase the amount of locally sourced foods used in their school meal programs. Nice work! This effort is part of a pilot our office has helped facilitate in the Murphysboro and Cobden school districts through a Farm-to-School Grant offered through the Illinois State Board of Education. We have partnered with Illinois-based Beyond Green Partners to provide training to cooks and spearhead the creation of a local food network. This will be a gradual process over the next several months, but we are excited to see progress and look forward to helping share more news about the Cobden and Murphysboro programs down the road.
5 months ago, Matthew Hickam
Murphysboro Scratch Cooking
Bring Professional Development into your building through the use of instructional coaching. ROE #30 is hosting an Instructional Coaches' Cohort this year to assist schools in starting their own Instructional Coaching program. The first meeting is October 17th. Register here: https://forms.gle/3LvAy9cksKRA7uRV8
5 months ago, Julie Bullard
Instructional Coaching Cohort
The Learning Technology Center will host a Technology Roundtable with ROE #21 and ROE #30 on October 16th from 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. This event will be held in the ROE #30 Murphysboro Office. Come learn and grow with others in your field. Register here: https://forms.gle/uDTnb6GpYJGQiaQk9
5 months ago, Julie Bullard
Technology Roundtable
If you are an educator who evaluates Principals or Assistant Principals, don't miss AA#4050 presented by Dr. Gary Kelly and Ralph Grimm. Register here: https://forms.gle/Xb9uuLpKivtJmfFW8
5 months ago, Julie Bullard
Admin Academy
Don't miss these two roundtable events where you can learn from colleagues in your area with similar experiences. Registration for Social Workers/Counselors: https://forms.gle/4bZekGP529HTWVjo8 Registration for Principals/Asst. Principals: https://forms.gle/Fk6Bhz2ix5Bu1crE9
5 months ago, Julie Bullard
Social Work/Counselors Roundtable
Principal/Asst. Principal Roundtable
Instructional Coaching is the new phrase in professional development. If you are considering adding instructional coaching to your district, the ROE #30 cohort of instructional coaches is for you. This group will meet throughout the year to create instructional playbooks that can help meet the needs of the teachers within your district. Members of the cohort will learn the cycle of instructional coaching, strategies for improving communication between teachers, coaches, and administration, and high impact strategies to help improve planning, instruction, and assessment. The first meeting of this cohort is October 17th. For more information email Dr. Julie Bullard at jbullard@roe30.org. Register here: https://forms.gle/HMQQfGvrSz4GYGp36
6 months ago, Julie Bullard
Instructional Coaching Cohort
Due to lack of interest, the AI in Education Part 1 professional development event for September 18th has been canceled. If you are interested in this topic and would like to attend this event in Marion with ROE #21 on November 4th, you can register here: https://www.roe21.org/event/beyond-the-buzzword-understanding-ai-in-education-part-1/
6 months ago, Julie Bullard
Artificial Intelligence is here and educators need to have an understanding of how this will impact the classroom. On September 18, 2024, Emily Flach from the Learning Technology Center will provide information on how you can transform AI in the Classroom from a nuisance to a useful learning tool. Register here: https://forms.gle/jJ2bB3ea9yPfwcj1A
6 months ago, Julie Bullard
Tech Events
Early Childhood Educators, this event is for you! ROE #30 has teamed up with StarNet to bring presenters on tiered math instruction in the early childhood classroom to Murphysboro. This session will be held on February 6, 2025 and is open to early childhood educators throughout the state. Register here: https://starnetiv.org/event/using-tiered-instructional-practices-to-support-early-math-learning-for-children-with-disabilities-in-person/
6 months ago, Julie Bullard
EC Math Workshop
Congratulations to these COPE/SOAR students! Noah and Jaden are grand prize winners for having perfect attendance and exceptional behavior! Travier was the runner-up with good behavior referrals and no incident reports!
6 months ago, Julie Bullard
Cope Soar Student
Cope Soar Student 2
Cope Soar Student 3
Recently, the state of Illinois adopted the School Leader Evaluation Plan as the default evaluation to be used for principals and assistant principals. Ralph Grimm and Dr. Gary Kelly from IASA will be in Murphysboro on October 22 - 23 to share this plan and train school leaders in the principal evaluation process. Register here: https://forms.gle/Ja8HDUhvCNxzzp3X8
6 months ago, Julie Bullard
AA flyer
Please note: In order to better serve interested participants in our region, the "Minds On" session with Dr. Kelly Stewart that was scheduled for Monday, September 16th has been pushed back. This event will be held during the winter months to accommodate more of our participants. More information will follow when the new date is officially set. Thank you for your understanding.
6 months ago, Julie Bullard
Learn more about keeping students engaged without leaving your classroom. On September 16th, ROE #30 will host a virtual After School Discussion from 3:30p.m. - 4:30p.m. focused on Student Engagement. You will hear about high impact engagement strategies and how others are using them to engage students. Register here: https://forms.gle/HUZ23DDMrMos7cJp7
6 months ago, Julie Bullard
After School Discussion flyer
If you are looking for ways to increase student engagement in your classroom, join Dr. Kelly Stewart on September 16th as she provides strategies on how to get students to turn their "Minds On." Register here: https://forms.gle/ffjNwtTJq3C7DD6x9
6 months ago, Julie Bullard
Minds On
Curious about Artificial Intelligence (AI) and how it can be used in education? ROE #30 is working with the Learning Technology Center to help educators gain an understanding of the fundamentals of AI and how it can be applied in the classroom. Don't miss this session on September 18th. Register here: https://forms.gle/S3qoKXKSk9qvVi3XA
6 months ago, Julie Bullard
Tech events
Due to lack of interest, the Paraprofessional Cohort meeting on Monday, September 9th is CANCELED. The next meeting is scheduled for November 4, 2024.
6 months ago, Julie Bullard
Last chance to sign up for the Paraprofessional learning event on September 9th. Come learn from Becca Yates, the Behavioral Interventionist at Anna CCSD #37 as she presents information about how trauma affects students. Register here: https://forms.gle/1hD3a8sGFQszTAALA
6 months ago, Julie Bullard
Paraprofessional Cohort
Check out the newest COPE/SOAR Newsletter
6 months ago, Julie Bullard
social work spotlight
If you are a special education teacher who is interested in connecting with colleagues from Region #30, join the Special Education Roundtables. These sessions will be led by Zepplyn Brewer and Staci Hood from Tri-County Special Education District. Don't miss this chance to learn from others and share your experiences with others in your field. Register here: https://forms.gle/UjCYHseveVjDSCEn6
6 months ago, Julie Bullard
Special Education Roundtables
Those who evaluate principals and assistant principals are invited to attend this Administrator Academy. Register here: https://forms.gle/bkVv67EmzNxdnyCT8
6 months ago, Julie Bullard
Admin Academy